What Mom is saying

by | Dec 27, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Natalia Vasechko, December 26, 2021

I’m so happy that my daughter Eva is absolutely loving to drink sheep milk from Secret Lands Farm you would not believe based on this picture of her that she is 19 months old. She started drinking milk from the age of 4 1/2 months instead of formula and craving sheep milk all time. 
From Secret Lands Farm Eva also loves sheep yogurt. 😋 When I was pregnant with her I was drinking kefir and sheep milk as well and that helped me a lot during my pregnancy go so smooth. 
My darling daughter sleeps through the night with no problem, she is very active and healthy that I have to buy her clothes for 3 years old.
Dear new parents if you want your children to be healthy I can definitely recommend real sheep milk from Secret Lands; I’m so thankful to the family farm that made my daughter’s life, my husband’s, and my life too easy and stress-free. If you have any questions please DM

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